Friday, February 26, 2010
The Fool on a journey
Not too much more to put here. Just the thoughts that crossed my mind and I wanted to share. Yes I'll have the laptop in Vegas.... dunno if I'll ever be online. I do know that tomorrow night is gonna be a blast. Blue Man Group!!!!!
You all be good.. {*************************} Hugz to you all!
Keep that positive energy flowing....send some my way...
Friday, February 5, 2010
Never take even money
Let’s say that you have a natural blackjack and the dealer has an Ace for an up card. You’re offered even money. Should you take it or not?
No, you shouldn’t.
You have the chance of winning a 3-2 payout. Why throw it away to settle for 1-1 blackjack payout? It’s kind of like having a winning argument and then backing down with meek deference.
So rather than take the even money you think you might want to insure your blackjack. You don’t want to do that either because it’s the same thing. You will come out with the same amount of money.
I’ll show you how this works. Let’s say that you have wagered $10 and you have that blackjack against an Ace. We’ll say that you take insurance on your hand, so you put forth $5. But it turns out that the dealer doesn’t have blackjack. He’ll take your $5 insurance bet…and then pay you $15. Now subtract the $5 you lost to insurance, and you’ll find that in reality your payout was only $10. Which is the same thing as taking even money.
See how it doesn’t matter whether you insure your blackjack or take even money on it?
Oh but wait! What if the dealer does have blackjack too and you have taken insurance? In that instance your blackjack would push his. And you would collect $10 on your insurance bet. It’s still the same $10 profit.
What even money does is simplify the steps in giving you the same amount you would win if you took insurance on your blackjack. But dealers don’t get a 10 for a hole card often enough to warrant taking insurance or even money in any case. Your best bet is to decline both and stick with your basic strategy.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Can this truly be?????
Oh what do my wondering ears tell me they heard???
Ok gotta keep this on the positive tip, gotta not get on the cynical soap box. Don't see it that there is a severe shortage of straight people enlisting and we've got two wars going on and they need BODIES!!!! No keep it on the positive tip and see that maybe, just maybe they've noticed that there have been Gays and Lesbians serving their country since the begining of the Armed Services.
Just know that the chairman of the Joint Cheifs of Staff, the Highest uniformed position in the United States, as said in front of God and Country that it is his belief that the ban on Gays and Lesbians serving in the Armed Services should be lifted. This wasn't an 'off the record' conversation at a cocktail party. This isn't some rumor that's circulating. This is REAL. I can watch it on youtube until the electrons float away. (Remember how you could wear out the VHS tapes if you watched them too many times?)
I thought for sure the Military would be a battle for down the road. Yet here it is starting at the TOP. I know I won't wake tomorrow and things will be changed, but this is a start. Honestly I am stunned.....and I'm at work so I'll leave this here and possibly pick up the thread when I get home tonight.
{*************************} HUGZ to you all. Keep that positive flowing. Amazing things DO happen.