Friday, August 30, 2019

Card of the Day, 30 August, Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups
Keywords:  Passionate, Idealism

Ah the Knight of Cups for today.  For me this card is lover, full of passion and ideas.  Broody, Dreamy, intensely loyal to friends and family.  He's the creative one, expressing through art, painting, poetry, etc.  Knights are action, so he's not just dreaming about it, he's doing something to make it come true.  

The Knight of Cups is the classic romantic of the Tarot deck. He is in touch with his intuition and emotions, and he uses them masterfully to charm and attract others. He shows compassion and understanding towards others because he has learned to understand his own feelings and emotions. The Knight is kind, caring and very in touch with his feminine side. He might be found writing a romantic poem to his lover, creating art inspired by his innermost feelings or appreciating a vibrant sunset with a glass of champagne in his hand. His heart is wide open, and he wears it on his sleeve. He shares his love freely with others, without constraint or worry; he is in love with love itself.

When the Knight of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, you thrive on all things beautiful and are inspired by the many creative outlets available to you. While the Page of Cups was inspired by an imaginative idea, the Knight of Cups is motivated by action. You have dreamed about what it is you want to create and now are moving forward with this dream to make it a reality. It may be an art project or something you feel ‘called’ to do, based on your emotions, imagination and intuition. Be open to exploring your passions and your big ideas. You may find yourself drawn to a particular passion or hobby and now is the time to turn it into ‘something.’ While you are in no hurry to reach the finish line, keep in mind that true imagination feeds on action; if you do nothing with your dreams, they will remain just that – dreams and not reality.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Card of the Day, August 29, Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords
Keywords:  Candid, Protective, Problem Solver

Queen of Swords, a good person to have in your corner.  Generally represents an elder woman.  She's got her wits about her, can be funny, will protect the weak.  When she gives advice you are wise to listen to her words.  She can't stand fools, and will cut you to the quick if need be.  Usually very direct communication. 

In a general context, the Queen of Swords can represent an older woman in your life who will step in when you are vulnerable and protect you or help you to overcome a problem. It represents being intelligent, sharp witted, witty, honest, truthful and candid. This Minor Arcana card signifies being realistic, discerning or skeptical and it can signify that you will receive constructive criticism from someone and you would do well to listen to it. It can also represent open-mindedness and self-reliance. However, this card can also indicate that you may be suppressing some pain or sadness from past events. As a person, the Queen of Swords represents a mature female or feminine person who is chatty, quirky, forthright and supportive. She may be an air sign such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra. She is a woman who may have known loss or suffering herself and has gained much inner strength and wisdom from her experiences. She is someone who will always defend those who cannot defend themselves. She has strong empathy and is a great person to have in your corner if you are vulnerable as she will defend you. However, she will not suffer fools gladly and if you are in the wrong, you can expect her to call you out on it without mincing her words! She can have quite a sharp tongue on her at times. She is strong, quick-witted, principled, fair, funny, sophisticated, independent and capable and will not be clingy or needy.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Card of the Day, 28 August, King of Cups

King of Cups
Keywords:  Compassionate, Protective, Diplomatic

King of Cups is one all together kind of guy.  He's the Father Figure, most likely either yourself, or a very strong male influence in your life.  Kind, compassionate, got it all together.  He has control of his emotions, and doesn't get swept away with the tide.  

The King of Cups represents mastery over the realms of emotion, creativity and the unconscious. When this card turns up in a Tarot reading, you have gained control of your feelings and can accept them without allowing them to get the better of you. Even when life throws you a curve ball, you can draw on your emotional maturity and stability to help you navigate these challenges. You don’t let things get to you, and you steer clear of the drama, instead choosing an emotionally balanced and calm approach.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Let's Talk Tarot


So as we all know there are four suits in a Tarot deck; Wands, Swords, Pentacles, Cups. Each suit has it's associated element, and energy.  Wands are Fire and Creativity.  It's a fast moving energy, bolt out of the blue at times.  Fire can create as well as destroy, so you have to be careful and control this energy.  

Celebrations, travel, gathering, creating, and defending are all aspects of the suit of wands.  

From the creative spark from the Ace, to the celebration of the four, to the standing your ground of the seven, to the over burdened of the 10, it's all in this suit.  

This is a good overview and start for this suit.  I will do other posts where I cover the specific energy of each card in this suit.  The ten pip cards and the four court cards.   

Card of the Day, 27 August, Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords
Keywords:  Ambitious, Driven to success

Knights are ambitious and raring to go.  This guy knows what he wants and he charges right for it.  Not always thinking through the consequences of those actions, but charging headlong into the situation.  He's not waiting for something to happen, he's making it happen.  Quick on his feet, and thinking as he goes. Swords are Air and Intellect. 

When the Knight of Swords appears in a Tarot reading, it is a sign that you are highly driven, ambitious and action-oriented. You are so highly motivated to succeed that you will stop at nothing to pursue your dreams. The challenges, difficulties and obstacles on the path ahead don't faze you because you know where you want to go. Move forward with sheer strength and determination to make things happen.

The Knight of Swords suggests that you are quick to take action and tend not to plan ahead, instead preferring to dive right in. You thrive on high levels of energy that propel you forward and inspire you to take action to manifest your goals.

The Knight of Swords reminds you to be assertive in getting what you want. He doesn’t hang back and wait for something to happen. He is always making the first move and actively pursuing his goals. You can harness this energy in your life too by being proactive and forward-thinking. See yourself as the creator of your future and be ready to take the necessary steps to make it happen.

The downside of the fast-thinking, quick-acting Knight of Swords is that sometimes you act too quickly and haven’t thoroughly thought things through. You may be unaware of potential challenges and issues that will stand in your way, or the unintended consequences of your actions. You may be prone to rushing things or cutting corners to get a job done. Or, you may pursue a specific goal, thinking it is what you want, but later realise that it’s out of alignment or a dead-end. Sometimes a little planning and preparation can go a long way.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Card of the Day. August 26, Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Keywords:  Celebration, Freedom, Excitement

What a great card for my return to the Card of the Day posts.  The four of wands.  It's a homecoming of sorts, a returning, a celebration.  Fitting as I'm getting back to my normal routine and my daily posts.  I hope you all have been well.  I'm going to start another blog thread with more study on the cards.  I decided this morning that whatever suit I pulled for the card of the day, would be the suit I started with on that other thread.  So it will be wands.  

Here's the traditional meaning on the Four of Wands:

The Four of Wands is a card of joyful celebration, blissful happiness and appreciation for the good things in life. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it is the perfect time to celebrate with those you love most. You may commemorate a significant event or milestone such as a wedding, birthday, homecoming or reunion. Or, you may invite a few of your favourite friends over for an intimate dinner for no particular reason except to revel in each other’s company. Relax and let your hair down – enjoy this special time together!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Card of the Day, 5 August 2019, Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords
Keywords:  Clarity, Pure Power, Breakthrough

Aces are the beginning of the suit and the energy is pure.  This card is simple to me, you can cut through the BS and get to the heart of the matter today.  Be mindful of the energy though, as you can easily cut yourself if you are not paying attention.  Be mindful and focused and you'll be able to get through the distractions and focus on what needs attention today. 

Cutting straight through the bullshit, the Ace of Swords delivers truth and clarity in realistic ways. Your potential is at an all-time high, claiming your personal power. You’re able to cut through the noise and clearly see the path that you want to take. Your mind is razor sharp and able to handle any task that comes your way. After experiencing mental blocks, you are now at the point of a breakthrough! With your experiences, you are armed with a new worldview and a perspective which allows you to access your creativity in a strategic way. Truth seeker, you are prepared to fight for justice with the fire and intensity of your sharp intellect. With great power comes great responsibility. Wield your sword with care, as it carries plenty of influence.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Card of the Day, 2 August 2019, 4 of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles
Keywords:  Control, Stability, Conservative

Money, money, money....... (Don't blame me that Abba song popped into my head).  So that's this card, all about the wealth and material possessions.  Are you set financially?  Congratulations.  Are you too focused on money and wealth?  To the point that you are not ENJOYING life?  It's great that you've gotten yourself to a comfortable level, just don't get so focused on it that you miss out on the rest of the adventure.  

Lock and key—you’ve got your finances stashed away with double security. You are in complete control of what goes in and what goes out, dutifully standing guard at the door. Saving is a habit that you’ve mastered, and you’ve racked up enough in the bank to be financially stable and independent. You are in complete control and conservative about how you spend your money, valuing your possessions. Kudos to the discipline it took to get your finances in order; however, watch out for penny-pinching to the point where you don’t allow yourself to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Equating financial security with self-worth creates a dependency on stacking up the cash, no matter what the cost. Remember, you are inherently worthy no matter what your bank account says.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Card of the Day, 1 August 2019, 3 of Swords

3 of Swords
Keywords:  Heartbreak, Rejection, Pain

Here it is, the heart break card.  I mean just look at that heart pierced by THREE swords.  It pretty much tells you that story.  Generally that's this card. Love is gone, the relationship is over.   Not a happy card at all.  However it can also mean the end of draining or frustrating relationships. Cut something loose despite the emotional attachments or sentimental memories.  If it's no longer serving you, then let it go. 

Pain pierces the heart, puncturing the soul in the process. Heartbreak is never easy, as you are overcome with grief so large it engulfs you completely. Sacrifices and broken relationships weigh heavy on your heart, taking up all of your mental space. Rejection, doubt, loneliness, and betrayal follow you, as you heal yourself from your wounds from this emotional blow. Trust that you are strong enough to survive, and eventually the aches will subside with time. The most painful lessons define our strength of character. Use this powerful emotion as fuel! Cry it out if you need to. Smash something, punch your pillow—anything that will help you release these strong emotions. You’ll feel better once you allow yourself to lean into the discomfort and fully feel the pain.