Not only do I LIKE this sign, but it hits a chord inside me. There have been times in the past where I've been told that I 'chose' to be gay.
It's not a choice people. I was born the way I am, you were born the way you are.
yeah... touchy as it is...
So there are so many things coming out of the Prop 8 dealio. The call to boycott businesses that donated to Prop 8. The realization of what a slippery slope it is when you vote away the rights of one group by a simple majority. The harsh spotlight turned upon this 'sacred' institution of marriage.
Let us leave those issues for awhile. (just things for you to think upon)
Friday night. This Friday, the Cellar nightclub in SF. Joey V will once again be there doing the host thing, and the DJ this week........DJ Ajax. (yes THE DJ Ajax of Cardio Radio FAME) (He'll get that joke, don't worry) To add to it all it is one of his 'official' birthday celebrations. So come on people let's get out there and have some fun. Yes there is a guestlist available at Energy's website, or you could call into Joey V (866-534-0927) when he's on air and see if he'll hook you up.
If you happen to be a 'Creepy Walnut Creek Stalker Fan' you need not apply.
So I'm working things out here. Getting ready for Turkey day. Yes I've got the bird, 17.6 lbs, and have the general idea for the rest of the meal. Home made AuGratin potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, etc. Got a week to pull it all together. Good food, good drinks, good FOOTBALL, and time with family.
Ok off with me.
HUGZ to you all!!!
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