Thursday, October 24, 2019

October 24, Daily three card draw

Well if this isn't a fun one, I'm not sure what is.  The three card draw today is the following:

  • What do I need to finish from yesterday?  Temperance Reversed. As the last card yesterday hinted towards health concerns I'm thinking I need to rebalance my life.  Continue the work that was suggested yesterday.  I'm taking my new meds, and also trying to smooth out the peaks and valleys from this past week. 

  • What do I nee to focus on today? Wheel of Fortune Reversed.  Changing my destiny.  A run of bad luck? so today I have the opportunity to change what has been happening and get my life back on a better track.  Other than the illness last week I thought my life was on a pretty good track.  We will see what happens. 

  • What can I look forward to tomorrow?  9 of Pentacles. Abundance in my life.  Enjoy that which I have earned.  Makes sense with the reversed Wheel of Fortune, I can change my luck and will reap the rewards.  

So lets see how things work out today, and if the 9 of Pentacles shows it's influence in my life tomorrow.  

Card of the Day, 24 October, 2 of Pentacles

2 of Pentacles
Keywords:  Balance, Juggling

Ah yes the 2 of Pentacles.  It's all a balancing act.  Taking care of all the responsibilities you have in life.  Juggling this and that while on the high wire and waiting for your ship(s) to come in.  Somehow you manage it all with grace.  

Really good card for me today, as I've a ton of things to do and it's going to be a juggling act to get it all done.  :-) 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

23 October Three card daily reading

So there I was digging around on Reddit, and I came across the r/tarot subreddit.  I had to check it out and I've learned somethings, and contributed some of my knowledge to posts there.  Then I found the AMA archive and yes Melissa Cynova did one, and you KNOW I had to read it.  Her book, Kitchen Table Tarot, is what got me to actually read the cards.  I'm so happy I started that journey.  

She was asked about pulling a card a day and her thoughts.  Her answer was one of well a one card pull doesn't really cover the energy of a day for me, so I do a three card reading each day.  

  1. What do I need to finish from yesterday?
  2. What do I need to focus on today?
  3. What can I look forward to tomorrow?
So I will start doing this spread daily and journal about it here so I can review it as time passes. 

Today is October 23, 2019

  • 3 of Pentacles reversed.  Sloppy workmanship, delay of recompense.  Not learning from my mistakes is one possibility.  Health wise (I am still suffering from a cold, and I did message my Dr. yesterday) Doctor did respond today, so that could be the continuation from yesterday.  Appointment made for Friday with Dr. 

  • King of Pentacles.  Steady, reliable, solid man.  Hmm either good news on the financial front, or I'll have a stable influence on my day. Looked online and King is about achieving goals.  Seeing things through to a successful end.  So I'll be all business today.  :-)

  • The Magician reversed.  Be careful not to miss the opportunities coming your way. Don't let self doubt hold you back. Be careful of deceitful people around you. Health wise it's about manifesting the healing.  So put your mind to getting over what's happening and the Universe will help you out. 
So overall I like this three card spread set up.  I will put more effort into doing this daily and it will help me with the meanings of the cards put into a context.  If you happen to stumble upon this leave me a comment so I know.  Thanks!!!

Card of the Day, 23 October 2019, Death

Keywords:  Change, End of a cycle

So the card that freaks people out in Tarot.  The DEATH card.  Death is change, Death is the end of something so something new can begin.  Winter to Spring, Spring to Summer.  Night to day, or day to night.  It's nature, it's all part of the plan.  Expect something new today, or something you no longer need to go away.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Card of the Day, 22 October, 2 of Cups

The Two of Cups
Keywords: Harmony, Friendship, Cooperation

This card is also known as the LOVE card.  A new romance beginning.  It's also for friendship, partnership, cooperation. Two forces blending to make a complete whole.  I shuffled my new Robin Wood tarot deck this morning thinking about the deck and what this one will teach me.  The two of cups was the card that came out.  So I think this will be another fun deck to work with.  It has the traditional imagery, but takes the religious aspects out and replaces them with more pagan symbols.  It flows easier for me as I am not a religious person, but I am spiritual.  :-) 

Sorry for the break in posting, I came down with a terrible cold and even missed three days of work because of it.  Nasty bug going around right now.  Get your rest and drink plenty of fluids.  

Friday, October 11, 2019

Card of the Day 11 October, The Moon

The Moon
Keywords:  Fears, Bewilderment, Imagination

Funny that this would be my card of the day.  I was listening to a Podcast yesterday with Melissa Cynova, and they started with the Moon card.  I saw this card come up in a couple of forums I was reading last night.   "I am wary", is the key phrase Melissa uses for this card.  The moon casts a watery light and things are not always as they seem in this light.  The Tower is always in the Moon card and this deck is no different, but it doesn't look the same.  Acknowledge this weird landscape and explore, just don't become lost in it. 

Classic depictions of this card show a crayfish, a dog and a wolf between two pillars. The crayfish represents your ancient lizard brain, the most primal part of your consciousness. The wolf represents your instincts that are still wild, things that you still have even if “civilization” leads you to repress them. The dog represents the tamed parts of your consciousness, the parts that society smiles upon.

The Moon reminds you that consciousness is vast and deep. Some parts of your awareness feel safe and comfortable – other parts feel mysterious and scary. The Moon speaks to all of the ways the vastness of your unconscious can manifest: dreams, fantasies, visions, illusions, anxieties and instincts.

It can be daunting to explore the huge chambers of your consciousness. There are certain aspects of yourself that you may be terrified to face, leading you to deny and repress them. The Moon reminds you that when you refuse to integrate these energies, the energies can be destructive. But when you are willing to step gently into the Moon’s glow, you can integrate these unconscious energies into your conscious awareness. This is a continuation of the process that began with the Devil.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Card of the Day, 8 October, High Priestess

The High Priestess
Keywords:  Intuition, Going within

Time for the Magical, Mystery bus to arrive.  This is all about intuition to me, those things beyond the physical.  The High Priestess can share that wisdom with you.  It's not about action, it's about being still and hearing the voice......  You know the one I'm talking about. 

The High Priestess knows how to be immersed in dreams, visions and the complex realm of unconscious awareness without letting these energies overcome her – but also without her needing to overcome them. She is willing to let things be what they are, even when what they are is indescribable in words. The High Priestess is attuned to the experiences beyond conscious understanding. She does not strain herself to explain the mystery – instead, she immerses herself completely in that mystery.

She asks you to tap into your intuition, to let yourself experience dimensions beyond the relatively small scope of your conscious awareness. Non-rational ways of knowing are valuable even while being fleeting and hard to pin down. The High Priestess shows the part of your awareness that goes deeper than the surface, she asks you to soften into your inner knowing. While the Magician spoke to the visible power of doing, the High Priestess speaks to the quiet magic of BEING.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Card of the Day, 3 October, Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles
Keywords:  Prosperous Beginnings, Material Growth

In my readings I've seen how the meanings on this card have evolved over the years.  Aces are the beginnings and here we have the Earth energy.  So beginnings of material things.  One book said this is the "Jackpot" card, you've got everything you need to manifest anything you want.  I'm not so sure it's that amazing, this is about grounding and letting things grow.  It's not an instant reward, but plant the seed of what you want and watch it grow.  

On that note, the Ace of Pentacles often asks you to place your focus on the real world. There are other cards that ask you to focus on ethereal energies, but the Ace of Pentacles is more about what is measurable and practical. This card reminds you of the importance of staying grounded. A good way to do this is to tune into your physical senses and let them offer advice and inspiration.

In a reading, this card can ask you to activate your resources, both internal and external. Where are you right now, and what do you want to build from here? Every moment gives you the opportunity for a new beginning. Get comfortable with where you are, while having faith that you are progressing. As you take your next steps, cultivate a sense of trust in the process. Things will unfold naturally as you continue to dig deep and do the work.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Card of the Day, 2 October, The 4 of Wands

Four of Wands
Keywords:  Milestone, Completion, Celebration

A time to rest and contemplate where you are now.  You've come a good distance along your path, and now it's time to take a moment and rest.  Celebrate if you'd like.  In this card I see the calm blue center, and looks like the portal is open to get there.  Taking that fire energy of the wands and grounding it to build this place of stability.  There is still a ways to go on your path, remember to stop and smell the roses along the way. 

Four is a number of stability, and wands are the suit of momentum. As such, the Four of Wands is often a symbol of milestones on your journey. It is important to recognize these milestones, even when they seem small. Giving yourself the chance to celebrate little victories gives you the chance to replenish, and them move forward with even more vigor.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Card of the Day, 1 October 2019, Temperance

Keywords:  Healing, Moderation, Balance

The good and the bad, the light and the dark.  You need a balance to keep moving forward.  It's not always sunshine and roses, rain does need to fall.  Balance is not everything in equal proportion, sometimes you need more of this and less of that.  You have the ability inside of you to do this and you can see what needs adjusting.  

Temperance means making sure you do not have too much or too little of any one thing: creating balance is a common aim of various spiritual practices. But remember that balance does not have to mean everything is “equal.” Sometimes you need more fire than water or vice versa. Balance simply means that things are working together in harmony, not that they are rigidly divided into proportions. In this regard, Temperance shows that in a spiritual sense, balance is not a science but an art.