The Moon
Keywords: Fears, Bewilderment, Imagination
Funny that this would be my card of the day. I was listening to a Podcast yesterday with Melissa Cynova, and they started with the Moon card. I saw this card come up in a couple of forums I was reading last night. "I am wary", is the key phrase Melissa uses for this card. The moon casts a watery light and things are not always as they seem in this light. The Tower is always in the Moon card and this deck is no different, but it doesn't look the same. Acknowledge this weird landscape and explore, just don't become lost in it.
Classic depictions of this card show a crayfish, a dog and a wolf between two pillars. The crayfish represents your ancient lizard brain, the most primal part of your consciousness. The wolf represents your instincts that are still wild, things that you still have even if “civilization” leads you to repress them. The dog represents the tamed parts of your consciousness, the parts that society smiles upon.
The Moon reminds you that consciousness is vast and deep. Some parts of your awareness feel safe and comfortable – other parts feel mysterious and scary. The Moon speaks to all of the ways the vastness of your unconscious can manifest: dreams, fantasies, visions, illusions, anxieties and instincts.
It can be daunting to explore the huge chambers of your consciousness. There are certain aspects of yourself that you may be terrified to face, leading you to deny and repress them. The Moon reminds you that when you refuse to integrate these energies, the energies can be destructive. But when you are willing to step gently into the Moon’s glow, you can integrate these unconscious energies into your conscious awareness. This is a continuation of the process that began with the Devil.
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