Wednesday, November 20, 2019

20 Nov, three card draw

Three Card Draw, 20 November

  1. 10 of Pentacles <--> Point of completion.  Stable home life, solid foundation.  All is good on the home front as they say.  B and I are making our life together. 
  2. Knight of Pentacles reversed <--> Establish a schedule and routine for the next phase of your journey.  A time of self discovery and lessons to learn, so set up the routine to help reach those goals.  It can be done, just need to take it one step at a time. 
  3. Ace of Cups reversed <--> In tune with your subconscious and intuition.  Working on bringing intuition more into your life.  So this is also my tarot studies, plus the palmistry, and astrology.  Combine the information to give a better rounded picture during readings. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Card of the Day 18 November, The Star

The Star
Keywords:  Hope, Renewal, Spirituality

You have endured many challenges and stripped yourself bare of any limiting beliefs that have previously held you back. You are realising your core essence, who you are beneath all the layers. No matter what life throws your way, you know that you are always connected to the Divine and pure loving energy. You hold a new sense of self, a new appreciation for the core of your Being.

The Star brings renewed hope and faith, and a sense that you are truly blessed by the Universe. You are entering a peaceful, loving phase in your life, filled with calm energy, mental stability and more in-depth understanding of both yourself and others around you. This is a time of significant personal growth and development as you are now ready to receive the many blessings of the Universe.

With the Star card, anything is possible and the magic is flowing around you. Your heart is full of hope, and your soul is being uplifted to the highest of highs as you realise that your dreams really can come true. Allow yourself to dream, to aspire, to elevate in any way possible so you can reach the stars. They are right here waiting for you.

You may also want to find or rediscover a sense of meaning, inspiration, or purpose in your life. You are making some significant changes in your life, transforming yourself from the old you to the new you and, in doing so, you are bringing about a fresh perspective: “Out with the old and in with the new!” You are choosing the highest version of yourself. This is a profound spiritual journey that will bring greater meaning and purpose into your life and will renew your inner energy. Strip back any limiting beliefs, facades, or deceptions, and live in your authentic nature. Be open to new ideas and growth, and listen to the still voice within.

The Star also suggests a generous spirit. You want to give or share your wealth with others to help transform their lives. Yours is an open heart, and you now want to give back the blessings you received so that others may benefit.

Friday, November 15, 2019

15 November, 3 card spread

15 November, three card spread

All Pentacles this time, Earth , Grounding, Money or material possessions. 

  1. 7 of Pentacles:  I've put in the work, now to wait on the harvest.  Appreciate the work I've put in and be ready for the rewards.  <--> makes sense as I'm jumping into doing more Tarot readings for people so I'm excited to see how my skills have improved. 
  2. Page of Pentacles:  Manifesting new opportunities into my material world.  So seeing that path and making some gains in the material realm.  The studies have brought me to a point where I can start new ventures.  Still some things I want to add to the mix, but this is a great sign to get my butt moving.
  3. 3 of Pentacles reversed:  All the above, but I'm going it alone.  I can't depend on anyone else to get me there.  I have the tools, I have the skills, I have all that I need.  Now to take that step and do the work to make it all happen. 

Card of the Day, 15 November, 9 of Cups

9 of Cups
Keywords:  Satisfaction, Gratitude, 
Wish come true

What a lovely card for a Friday.  The wish card.  You've made your wish and now it will come true. You've put in the work and have the satifaction of a job well done.  Not feeling it???  Take a moment each night before you go to bed and make a quick list of three things you are grateful for, do this for a week.  You'll see how your life is filled with blessings and how more comes your way.  

This is why the Nine of Cups is often called the wish card. It comes as a sign that the planets aligned and you have everything you wished for. You could not be happier! If you made your wish and are patiently waiting for it to come to fruition, then this card is an excellent omen that it will soon be granted.

The Nine of Cups is an invitation to splurge, indulge and enjoy life’s pleasures. This includes enjoying good food and wine, appreciating the arts, making love, relaxing in a luxurious resort or experiencing beauty. Live in the moment and give yourself permission to indulge temporarily without any guilt about the possible negative consequences of such pleasure.

When you see the Nine of Cups in a reading, remember to count your blessings and express gratitude for what you have. Start or end every day by creating a mental list of the three things for which you are most grateful. Over time, you will intensify your sense of contentment and your ability to attract what you wish for – it is the Law of Attractio

Thursday, November 14, 2019

14 November, 3 card spread

14 November, daily 3 card spread.

  1. The Emperor reversed.  Pay attention to my commitment to my goals and reassess as necessary.  Am I putting in the work to get to where I want to be?  So need to sit back and focus on the plan again. 
  2.  7 of Cups, reversed.  Overwhelmed by choices. Stuck because I don't know which to choose.  Time to ground myself and really focus on where I want to go.  Make a choice and then follow it through.  :-0
  3. The Hanged Man, (He wasn't reversed in the spread)  Take that pause and figure out what path to follow.  
Fairly accurate reading for me today.  I do have many paths I want to follow, and I need to focus on one first, then build the others as I go along. So yes the cards keep telling me what I need to do, now they wait for me to actually DO IT.  Always the hardest part is putting in the work.  Taking the action.  The message repeats, the wording changes, but the meaning is the same.  So time to put in the work. 

Card of the Day, 14 November, The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man
Keywords:  Pause, Surrender, New Perspectives

The Hanged Man, there he is accepting his situation and taking in the view from this new position.  Sometimes you gotta turn yourself on your head to see what's in front of you.  Yes I know you are super busy and have no time for this pause, but it's NEEDED right now.  So stop fighting and let yourself relax and see what is around you.  It may not be what you want to do, but it's what you need to do.  

The Hanged Man reminds you that sometimes you have to put everything on hold before you can take the next step, or the Universe will do it on your behalf (and it may not always be at the most convenient time!). You may have heard the saying, ‘What got you here won’t get you there’, and that indeed is at play in this card. The Hanged Man calls you to release the old mental models and behavioural patterns that no longer serve you so you can see your world from a new perspective and embrace new opportunities that would have otherwise been hidden from you if you didn’t hit the brakes.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

13 November, 3 card spread

My Daily 3 card spread.  I just ask the basic "What do I need to finish from yesterday?", "What can I expect from today?", and "What can I look forward to tomorrow?"  I don't tie it to work or any specific situation, and so it's a general guidance. 

The Devil:  I need to go inside myself and face that darkness.  Fight the lazy, and overcome the pitfalls I set for myself.  I know where I want to go, and I can slip the chains, but I need to put in the work and do it.  

The Lovers:  Getting clear on my values and beliefs.  Putting myself out in this world and following that code that is me.  

Knight of Wands:  Pursuing the idea, and following that path that is before me.  Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead.  Let's do this.  

I've started down this path with the Tarot, and everything points to me committing to it even more than I am.  I need to dive in, face the internal daemons, overcome them, and move forward.  Everything in there, now it's time to put in the work.  The elevator to success is broken, time to take the stairs.  Change is not simple, it can be scary, the end results are WORTH it.  

Card of the Day, 13 November, the 10 of Wands

The 10 of Wands
Keywords:  Burden, Hard work, Completion

10 of Wands, carrying that heavy load.  Got your hands in so many pies, that you are spread too thin.  Gotta let some of those things go.  Put down that load before you collapse.  

When you see this card you have to ask yourself "What can I release?", "What burdens can I put down?" If you don't take time for yourself, how will you ever complete all your tasks?  So stop carrying that which you no longer need.  

Sometimes, the Ten of Wands appears when you are unconsciously taking on extra responsibility and finding yourself feeling weighed down, exhausted and burnt out. You may try to do everything at once, even though you know it is adding extra pressure to your daily life. The Ten of Wands asks you to stop and examine your current lifestyle or work. Assess which activities or tasks are urgent or important, particularly concerning your broader goals. You may need to use various time management or prioritisation methods to determine where best to spend your time and which tasks you can drop. Your goal needs to be higher efficiency while also freeing yourself up for rest and relaxation when you need it.

The good news is that the Tens in Tarot represent the completion of a cycle, and with the Ten of Wands, the end is in sight! You have been pushing yourself to your limits and working very hard towards your goal. Now, you are taking those final steps on the path to realising your dreams. Sure, you might collapse in a heap of exhaustion when you get there, but you know it will be all worth it and well earned!

Friday, November 8, 2019

8 November, three card draw

Friday three card pull

So I ask 'What do I have to finish from yesterday?', 'What can I expect today?', and 'What can I look forward to tomorrow?'.  Here's the cards I drew:

Yes the Tower, Ace of Wands reversed, and 6 of Swords reversed.  

So immediately I'm anxious about the tower, because I generally relate this pull to my work day, but I realize I didn't specify that in the questions, just had them open as to what I need to finish, what today will bring etc.  So if you read past the typical 'doom and gloom' of the tower, shaking your world to the core is pretty much doom and gloom, you find the part about spiritual transformation.  Thoughts and belief systems changing and finding that thing that really resonates in your core.  The reversed Ace of wands also points toward an awakening, and the reversed 6 of Swords tells you to go within yourself and find that path.  Pretty much confirmation on my Tarot studies and that I should continue my growth here.  

I was reading one of my many books last night and got to the chapters on meditation and journaling.  How to ground yourself, then shuffle the cards, pull one, examine it and meditate on the meaning, etc.  So before I headed off to bed I did that little exercise, and I pulled the Hermit.  The guy on his own path, his inner light leading the way for him. That ties in directly to these cards as I see it.  

So my weekend will be more of the learning and more of the studying and strengthening my belief systems.  Just working more with the cards I'm getting better at seeing the meanings and not having to look up as many things.  I'm getting those straight forward messages as to what they are saying.  

Card of the Day, 8 November, the 3 of Wands

3 of Wands
Keywords:  Progress, Expansion, travels

Today we have the 3 of wands.  The chance to broaden your horizons through study, travel, business.  You can see the obstacles far out in your path and can plan around them.  You need to reach outside of your comfort zone to grow.  This card can also mean travel, usually overseas.  So take advantage of this energy while you have it, push yourself outside of your comfort zone. 

While the Two of Wands speaks to planning for the future from a place of safety and comfort, the Three of Wands shows that your plans are now well underway and you are considering even more opportunities to expand your current strategy and maximise your ultimate potential. Everything is progressing steadily and as expected, thanks to your solid preparation and ongoing drive.

To take advantage of this potential, you must stay committed to your path and be prepared to stretch beyond your comfort zone, knowing your best hopes lie outside of your current environment. It is time to think BIG. Consider what you can to open doors to more development and self-exploration. This card encourages you to dream bigger than your limitations. Accept your vision and be confident you will achieve it.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Card of the Day, 7 November, 3 of cups

3 of Cups

Keywords:  Celebration, Friendship, Collaboration

Always a Happy Card, the 3 of Cups.  A time for celebration, gathering of Friends.  Enjoying that good time in life.  Take the time to forget about your day to day grind for a moment and enjoy your friendships.  

When the Three of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, you are encouraged to gather with your closest friends and have a good time together, talking, laughing, sharing and creating. Together, you give and receive the love, support and compassion each of you needs from one another. You may be inspired to host a girls’ night out, a weekend away, or start a women’s circle so you can join forces with like-minded people. The energy is high, and you’re here to do amazing things together.