My Daily 3 card spread. I just ask the basic "What do I need to finish from yesterday?", "What can I expect from today?", and "What can I look forward to tomorrow?" I don't tie it to work or any specific situation, and so it's a general guidance.
The Devil: I need to go inside myself and face that darkness. Fight the lazy, and overcome the pitfalls I set for myself. I know where I want to go, and I can slip the chains, but I need to put in the work and do it.
The Lovers: Getting clear on my values and beliefs. Putting myself out in this world and following that code that is me.
Knight of Wands: Pursuing the idea, and following that path that is before me. Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. Let's do this.
I've started down this path with the Tarot, and everything points to me committing to it even more than I am. I need to dive in, face the internal daemons, overcome them, and move forward. Everything in there, now it's time to put in the work. The elevator to success is broken, time to take the stairs. Change is not simple, it can be scary, the end results are WORTH it.
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