Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Card of the Day, 16 July, 2019

8 of Wands
Keywords:  Progress, Movement, Rapid Action

Hmmm, seems like this is the week of Wands.  Actually two cards jumped out of the deck today, the King of Wands and the 8 of Wands.  As I just did the King a few days ago, I figured I'd focus on the 8.  

So Wands are 'Action', 'Fire', 'Creativity'.  The 8 is you running on all cylinders, just full out motion.  You are heading to your goal and going full out.  Nothing is going to stop you now. 

Ready, set, go! Your steady pace has turned into a full-on sprint and you are now moving faster than ever. Progress is a process, and you are combusting with frenetic force, pushing your plans into rapid action. Things are falling into place, in a serendipitous fashion. Within structure there is freedom, room for more self-expression and creativity. Boundaries enable you to think about the important tasks, funneling your efforts into concentrated focus instead of using up your reserves. Fueled by your passion, you are moving faster than ever, picking up inspiration along the way! Whirlwinds of possibilities flow freely around you, with you in the center of the storm. Take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. The Universe is working in your favor!

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