Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Card of the Day, 3 July, 2019

The Ten of Wands

Keywords:  Burden, Hard Road, Overextending

To me this card is kinda bleak.  It's gray and the path is blocked.  There is too much going on and so nothing is really happening.  Time to simplify things and open up that path once again.  You have taken on too many things and can't get it all done.  

"The suit of wands is about enthusiasm, instinct, personal energy and movement. Tens are about taking the suit to its logical conclusion. Thus in the Ten of Wands, we see a depiction of burn out. What was once excitement has become too much of a good thing. There is no focus, the excitement has essentially imploded upon itself.
This card reminds you that enthusiasm is not the only necessary ingredient! The fiery energy of wands can lead to taking on more projects, tasks, and plot lines than you can reasonably follow through with. When you reach this maximum capacity, everything becomes slowed and burdened. It is now necessary to prioritize and declutter so you can get on with the good stuff."

Hopefully you haven't taken on too many tasks and can make it through your day.  Be mindful and simplify and declutter as you go along today. 

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