Thursday, September 12, 2019

Card of the day, 12 September, Page (Daughter) of Pentacles

Daughter of Pentacles
Keywords:  Manifestation, Skill Development

Pages (Daughters) are the start of the Court cards, and they are all about the wonder of the suit.  Pentacles are Earth, Grounding, Learning.  The joy of learning, just to learn, no need to rush off for adventure just yet. Learn and build the skills, putting the plan into motion.  

The Page of Pentacles, like the Pages of all four Tarot suits, brings a welcome message of new beginnings, inspiration and the initial stages of a creative project or venture. Since Pentacles rule the material realm and correspond to the element of earth, this Page symbolises a burgeoning awareness of the value of money, wealth, possessions, career, and physical health, and how to manifest more of these material blessings. You welcome new opportunities to your material life – a new job, a new business, or a financial windfall – and wish to discover how to turn your dreams into reality.

When the Page of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading, you are tapping into your ability to manifest a personal goal or dream and may be in the midst of a new project such as a hobby, business venture, or the start of a new educational experience. You are excited about the possibilities and potential of what you put your mind to, knowing you can create whatever you want with focused intention and action.

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