Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Card of the Day, 18 September, The World

The World
Keywords:  Fulfillment, Wholeness and Breakthrough

The last of the Major Arcana, the end of the Fools Journey, complete and whole, everything it is there.  You can interpret the imagery in this card to cover mind, body, spirit.  Plants and animals and earth, and the universe.  I read the following, and it totally hits home for this card:  "Regardless of our current challenges and emotional turmoil, we are always, already complete beings. We only need to shift our perspective, to zoom out and see the whole picture. We are perfect in our imperfections. Everything will be okay, everything is okay. Everything have purpose, everyone is cosmologically significant, all are connected. The Universe is creating a story, and we are essential to the plot."  

Perfect in our imperfections.  This card ties into the cards from Monday and Tuesday and lets me know I am on the right path.  I'm dealing with those inner demons, and the nicks and cracks, and flaws I see are what make me "ME", and that's the way it is supposed to be.  So embrace it and live that truth.  

As the final card in the major arcana, the World carries a sense of completion and wholeness. Traditional imagery on this card shows a dancing human figure. The human figure is surrounded by a laurel wreath – a symbol of success. As such, this card can be associated with completion, the sense that something has reached a spiritually ordained conclusion.

This card is also associated with duality becoming unity. When the card contains a human figure, the person is sometimes considered to be equal parts male and female. I think of the World as a sort of combination of the Magician and the High Priestess: the World is about both “doing” and “being.” The World is an integration of supposed opposites: light and dark, flesh and spirit, the individual self and the One That Is All.

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