Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Card of the Day, 17 September, Mother (Queen) of Wands

Mother of Wands
Keywords:  Vibrant, Devoted, Warm

Queen/Mother of Wands, a nurturing vibrant force.  Lives her life her way and keeps to her moral code.  She puts everything into what she's doing and always looks for the best.  Not someone to easily cross as she will defend what is hers.  Be you, 100%, and bring out the good in others. 

The queen radiates the energy of the suit of wands from the inside out. Devotion is one of the keywords I associate with this card: she is clear about her passions and devoted to nurturing them. Others gravitate towards her inner warmth. She sets a keen example for living a creative, passionate, radiant life.

In many decks, the Queen of Wands is shown with a sunflower. This symbolizes her blossoming life force. She knows who she is and lives securely from her glowing center. She is not oblivious to the hardships of life – she is willing to stand up completely for what she believes in, even if that is risky or uncomfortable. But even so, she’s an eternal optimist, always oriented towards the good in herself, and drawing out the good in others.

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