Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Card of the Day, 28 August, King of Cups

King of Cups
Keywords:  Compassionate, Protective, Diplomatic

King of Cups is one all together kind of guy.  He's the Father Figure, most likely either yourself, or a very strong male influence in your life.  Kind, compassionate, got it all together.  He has control of his emotions, and doesn't get swept away with the tide.  

The King of Cups represents mastery over the realms of emotion, creativity and the unconscious. When this card turns up in a Tarot reading, you have gained control of your feelings and can accept them without allowing them to get the better of you. Even when life throws you a curve ball, you can draw on your emotional maturity and stability to help you navigate these challenges. You don’t let things get to you, and you steer clear of the drama, instead choosing an emotionally balanced and calm approach.

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