Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Card of the Day, 25 September, Son (Knight) of Wands

Son of Wands
Keywords:  Charming, Adventurous, Fired Up

Seeking new adventures and throwing himself headlong into them.  Always ready for the next thing, but probably won't stick around when times are boring.  So it's a perfect card for me today, the last work day before heading out to Arizona. A new adventure is just around the corner.  

The knights are the metaphorical teenagers of the court cards. As such, their relationship with the energy of their suit is somewhat inconsistent. Therefore the Knight of Wands is full of enthusiasm for life, but may also be restless or easily agitated. He is willing to take risks, but sometimes those risks get him burned. He can be charming and attractive, but might not stick around when things get boring!

As a court card, the Knight of Wands can represent a specific person, an aspect of personality, or an approach to life. Consider how this card’s approach might be helpful, but also be aware of the less beneficial aspects of this energy.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Card of the Day, 24 September, Mother (Queen) of Pentacles

Mother of Pentacles
Keywords:  Domestic, Capable, Loving

The Earth mother is how I see this one.  Connected to all the living things. Grounded and protective if needed.  Strong, and spiritual wisdom included.  Not overbearing nor demanding, just being that which she needs to be.  

Grounded keeps repeating in my head, so I'm thinking maybe I need to ensure I'm grounding myself as I continue the journey I started last night.  Got a new book, Tarot Elements, and have started doing work on myself.  I am taking those steps to improve my life, and this card just enforces that I'm following the path I need to follow. 

The Mother of Pentacles can ask you how her character traits are currently impacting your life. Are you attuned with your physical surroundings? Are you giving enough attention to the people, plants and animals in your life? Consider how much you are willing to give help and support to yourself and others.

This card can also highlight a need for trust. Are you keeping the promises you make to yourself? Are you taking tangible steps to improve your life and the world around you? You have the resources you need to move through any obstacles. If you’re having a hard time tapping into those resources, remember it is okay to turn to others for support.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Card of the Day, 23 September, the 6 of Cups

The 6 of Cups
Keywords:  Kindness, Memories, Childhood

We've had this one before, but I love the imagery in the Wild Unknown deck.  Showing the roots of the tree in bright colors.  There's more to a person that meets the eye.  Remember you have no idea what anyone is going through below the surface, so treat everyone with kindness.  Those hidden roots are what make you into the person you are, embrace them and stand tall, and proud like the tree on this card.   

Although this is one of my favorite cards in the Wild Unknown deck, the imagery here is quite different than many decks. The Waite-Smith tarot depiction shows two humans who appear to be children. The older child offers a cup filled with flowers to the smaller child. The presence of children on the card has led it to sometimes be associated with innocence, childhood or nostalgia for the past.

My strongest association with this card in any deck is that of kindness: simple, spontaneous acts of good will that do not ask for anything in return. Sometimes it is necessary to see beyond differences and embody the energy of altruism. It is true that there are many “dark” aspects to human nature, but the Six of Cups reminds you that humans are also capable of embodying tender loving care.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Card of the Day, 20 September, Knight (Son) of Cups

Knight (Son) of Cups
Keywords:  Introspective, Romantic, Peaceful

A thinker, a dreamer, romantic, self-absorbed if it goes too far down that path.  So generally refers to a young male, quiet, yet radiating that energy.  The best description I read is this:  Essentially the Son of Cups is learning how to handle the spectrum of his internal world.  

If I follow the theme from the cards this week, this is the perfect card for Friday.  It's me, no questions.  I started with the Devil acknowledging those inner demons, and have been steadily working on them this week.  I've gotten the support from the Universe each day with a card helping me to see where I am going and reassurance that I'm traveling the correct path.  Support and encouragement along the way.  Today the card shows I'm not done yet, did I think it would only take a week??  No.  I continue my journey.  

The Knight of Cups is often described as a sensitive soul. He certainly has a romantic way of looking at the world, gravitating towards drama and a flood of emotions. This can be a beautiful thing, as he teaches you to fling yourself straight into the direct experiences of your emotions. However, it can also present a challenge as he is not the best at maintaining perspective and clear thinking.

The Waite-Smith tarot Knight of Cups rides a white horse, another symbol of his romantic nature. This card reminds you how potent it is to connect deeply with life, but make sure you don’t lose yourself in the rolling tide.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Card of the Day, 19 September, the 6 of Swords

The Six of Swords
Keywords:  Reeling, Recovering, Hope at Last

So you've faced the battle and now it's a time to pull back and put it on autopilot.  Take that time to recover, but know you are on the right path, and the journey is not complete.  You are heading towards that rainbow, there are better things ahead, just take this time to recover from what you've been through.  

Every card this week is just re-enforcing what I'm dealing with on a personal level.  I'm taking the guidance and actually putting it into motion.  I was feeling pretty run down by the end of the day yesterday, so I think I'll take this cards advice and let myself recover today.  Still moving forward, heading towards that rainbow.  

Interestingly enough The World card jumped out of the deck as I was shuffling this morning.  I put it to the side, gave the cards another shuffle and the top card was this one.  

Decks that draw from the Waite-Smith tarot tradition often depict this card by showing human figures huddled in a boat. One person rows the boat, while two others are huddled over and bundled up in cloaks. The boat carries them forward, but also offers them the opportunity to rest and recover. Soon they will reach new shores, but for now they are still slightly reeling.

This card is usually less associated with major traumas and more associated with the micro-struggles that impact us on a daily basis. It typically shows up during times when you are lacking the mental, physical and spiritual energy to engage deeply with life. Sometimes the best thing you can do during such occasions is to trust that you are moving towards a more holistic awareness.

There is no need to rush yourself, but there is also no need to dwell on the difficulties. Look for ways to expand your perspective of your experiences. You will not always be in this in-between place, you are already moving closer to the awaiting new land.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Card of the Day, 18 September, The World

The World
Keywords:  Fulfillment, Wholeness and Breakthrough

The last of the Major Arcana, the end of the Fools Journey, complete and whole, everything it is there.  You can interpret the imagery in this card to cover mind, body, spirit.  Plants and animals and earth, and the universe.  I read the following, and it totally hits home for this card:  "Regardless of our current challenges and emotional turmoil, we are always, already complete beings. We only need to shift our perspective, to zoom out and see the whole picture. We are perfect in our imperfections. Everything will be okay, everything is okay. Everything have purpose, everyone is cosmologically significant, all are connected. The Universe is creating a story, and we are essential to the plot."  

Perfect in our imperfections.  This card ties into the cards from Monday and Tuesday and lets me know I am on the right path.  I'm dealing with those inner demons, and the nicks and cracks, and flaws I see are what make me "ME", and that's the way it is supposed to be.  So embrace it and live that truth.  

As the final card in the major arcana, the World carries a sense of completion and wholeness. Traditional imagery on this card shows a dancing human figure. The human figure is surrounded by a laurel wreath – a symbol of success. As such, this card can be associated with completion, the sense that something has reached a spiritually ordained conclusion.

This card is also associated with duality becoming unity. When the card contains a human figure, the person is sometimes considered to be equal parts male and female. I think of the World as a sort of combination of the Magician and the High Priestess: the World is about both “doing” and “being.” The World is an integration of supposed opposites: light and dark, flesh and spirit, the individual self and the One That Is All.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Card of the Day, 17 September, Mother (Queen) of Wands

Mother of Wands
Keywords:  Vibrant, Devoted, Warm

Queen/Mother of Wands, a nurturing vibrant force.  Lives her life her way and keeps to her moral code.  She puts everything into what she's doing and always looks for the best.  Not someone to easily cross as she will defend what is hers.  Be you, 100%, and bring out the good in others. 

The queen radiates the energy of the suit of wands from the inside out. Devotion is one of the keywords I associate with this card: she is clear about her passions and devoted to nurturing them. Others gravitate towards her inner warmth. She sets a keen example for living a creative, passionate, radiant life.

In many decks, the Queen of Wands is shown with a sunflower. This symbolizes her blossoming life force. She knows who she is and lives securely from her glowing center. She is not oblivious to the hardships of life – she is willing to stand up completely for what she believes in, even if that is risky or uncomfortable. But even so, she’s an eternal optimist, always oriented towards the good in herself, and drawing out the good in others.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Card of the Day, 16 September, The Devil

The Devil

Keywords:  Negativity, Materialism, Inner Demons

Today we have the Devil.  Not a pretty card, but one of warning I think.  Time to face those inner demons, and deal with them.  At least START dealing with them.  Don't let them continue to run wild in the dark, where they can grow and become stronger.  Bring them to the light and examine them, and then deal with them.  

In traditional decks the imagery is of two people with chains around their necks, however the chains are quite loose and they can easily slip those chains off if they want.  Is comfortable where you are?  Is that really what's best for you???  

The card’s background is dark and bleak. There is no sign of light, the Devil dwells in the realm of shadow. Exploring your shadows and confronting your inner demons is crucial, because it’s when they are left to roam freely in the dark that they cause real issues. By bringing these parts of yourself to the light, you can learn to accept, heal and integrate them.

The goat’s feet are surrounded by orange and red flames, yet he does not burn. This tricky, treacherous fellow can walk through fire (maybe he’s even the one conjuring the blaze). He looks as though he wants to lure others with his wily ways. We’ve come to associate the force we call “the devil” with addiction, enslavement, and negative patterns. Once you become aware this energy is at work, you can begin to free ourselves.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Card of the day, 12 September, Page (Daughter) of Pentacles

Daughter of Pentacles
Keywords:  Manifestation, Skill Development

Pages (Daughters) are the start of the Court cards, and they are all about the wonder of the suit.  Pentacles are Earth, Grounding, Learning.  The joy of learning, just to learn, no need to rush off for adventure just yet. Learn and build the skills, putting the plan into motion.  

The Page of Pentacles, like the Pages of all four Tarot suits, brings a welcome message of new beginnings, inspiration and the initial stages of a creative project or venture. Since Pentacles rule the material realm and correspond to the element of earth, this Page symbolises a burgeoning awareness of the value of money, wealth, possessions, career, and physical health, and how to manifest more of these material blessings. You welcome new opportunities to your material life – a new job, a new business, or a financial windfall – and wish to discover how to turn your dreams into reality.

When the Page of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading, you are tapping into your ability to manifest a personal goal or dream and may be in the midst of a new project such as a hobby, business venture, or the start of a new educational experience. You are excited about the possibilities and potential of what you put your mind to, knowing you can create whatever you want with focused intention and action.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Card of the Day, 11 September, The Fool

The Fool
Keywords:  Innocence, Discovery, Fearless

Ah I got a chance this morning to pull a quick card before the work day kicked off.  Had an early start to the day, but all is well, I have almost closed my 'exercise' ring, as I've been moving this morning.  :-)

Back to the card of the day, I was thinking about myself and what guidance I needed today and out pops the fool.  Telling me I'm ready to start that new path, journey, that thing I've been thinking about doing.  So I will.  Like the Fool I'm full of confidence, and unafraid to step off that cliff.  

I love the imagery in this deck, it almost looks like the fool is dancing and leaping without a care in the world.  Sometimes you just have to dance like no one is watching.  So get out there and DO it!!!!  

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Card of the Day, 4 September, 3 of Coins (pentacles)

3 of Coins (pentacles)
Keywords: Collaboration, Team Work

Pulling it all together.  Having that team/support system to tackle whatever lays in front of you.  You've either gathered the people around your, or have pulled it all together inside of you.  You've got what you need, and everyone contributes to the successful completion of the plan.  There is no 'i' in team, and no leader here, everyone is equal. 

The stonemason couldn’t build the cathedral without the help of the architects, and they couldn’t build it without him. Each person has an important role to play, and when they come together as a team, they can create something much more significant than if they were to undertake the project on their own. So, when the Three of Pentacles turns up in a Tarot reading, take it as a sign to collaborate with others, creating synergies to achieve big results.

The Three of Pentacles represents the value of different ideas and levels of experience in collaboration. The architects respect the specialised knowledge of the stonemason, and the stonemason appreciates the wisdom and experience of the architects. Even though their backgrounds, experience levels and expertise are very different, they can come together to share their insight in a way that creates synergy and improves the finished product. There is no ‘us and them’ or any sense of superiority. Instead, each person has something to offer and is willing to learn from the others involved in the project. Everyone is getting the job done collectively and contributes to the group through active listening and sharing. As you work on projects with others, acknowledge the value that each person brings to the table. You will also learn from each member of the team when you see his or her unique contribution.

The Three of Pentacles, like the Threes in the other suits, marks the initial stages of implementation that follow the Ace‘s idea phase and the planning step of the Two. You know what you want to create; you’ve laid out the plans, gathered your resources (money, people and time), and set to work – you may have already reached your first significant milestone. Of course, you are nowhere near the finish line just yet, but you have got the ball rolling and are making things happen.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Card of the Day, 3 September, Six of cups

Six of Cups
Keywords: Revisiting the Past, Innocence,
 Childhood Memories

Looking at this card I see a boy and a girl having a tea party. This card reminds me of childhood joy, those little things that you remember fondly.  My trip with B to Santa Cruz this past weekend is a perfect example of that.  I LOVE Santa Cruz, and it was my favorite place to go as a kid.  Bring that joy and innocence into your life today.  See things through that lens today, when everything was new and wonderful.  

The Six of Cups is a card that takes you back to the happy memories from your past, whether as a child, teenager or young adult. You may simply be revisiting those memories in your mind, or you may travel back to your childhood home or reconnect with your childhood friends. You could go to a high school reunion or reconnect with an old buddy. A teenage sweetheart or past lover may turn up again. These connections bring you a sense of joy and happiness as you reminisce over all the fun times you had together. Take this occasion to explore whether you still have a lot in common and if you wish to continue the relationship now.

The Six of Cups often shows an increased level of harmony and cooperation in your relationships. You are ready to give and receive, without expectation. You are also willing to give each other the benefit of the doubt, having moved on from the challenging emotions of the Five of Cups. It’s time to turn over a new leaf and start afresh from a more positive place.

The Six of Cups invites you to get in touch with your inner child and experience the fun, freedom and innocence that comes with being a young child again. You might like to sit down with an adult colouring book, dance like no-one is watching you, play your favourite childhood games or spend more time around (happy) children. When you give yourself permission to be playful, spontaneous, and creative, you connect more with your authentic self and your intuition.