Thursday, September 19, 2019

Card of the Day, 19 September, the 6 of Swords

The Six of Swords
Keywords:  Reeling, Recovering, Hope at Last

So you've faced the battle and now it's a time to pull back and put it on autopilot.  Take that time to recover, but know you are on the right path, and the journey is not complete.  You are heading towards that rainbow, there are better things ahead, just take this time to recover from what you've been through.  

Every card this week is just re-enforcing what I'm dealing with on a personal level.  I'm taking the guidance and actually putting it into motion.  I was feeling pretty run down by the end of the day yesterday, so I think I'll take this cards advice and let myself recover today.  Still moving forward, heading towards that rainbow.  

Interestingly enough The World card jumped out of the deck as I was shuffling this morning.  I put it to the side, gave the cards another shuffle and the top card was this one.  

Decks that draw from the Waite-Smith tarot tradition often depict this card by showing human figures huddled in a boat. One person rows the boat, while two others are huddled over and bundled up in cloaks. The boat carries them forward, but also offers them the opportunity to rest and recover. Soon they will reach new shores, but for now they are still slightly reeling.

This card is usually less associated with major traumas and more associated with the micro-struggles that impact us on a daily basis. It typically shows up during times when you are lacking the mental, physical and spiritual energy to engage deeply with life. Sometimes the best thing you can do during such occasions is to trust that you are moving towards a more holistic awareness.

There is no need to rush yourself, but there is also no need to dwell on the difficulties. Look for ways to expand your perspective of your experiences. You will not always be in this in-between place, you are already moving closer to the awaiting new land.

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