Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Let's Talk Tarot


So as we all know there are four suits in a Tarot deck; Wands, Swords, Pentacles, Cups. Each suit has it's associated element, and energy.  Wands are Fire and Creativity.  It's a fast moving energy, bolt out of the blue at times.  Fire can create as well as destroy, so you have to be careful and control this energy.  

Celebrations, travel, gathering, creating, and defending are all aspects of the suit of wands.  

From the creative spark from the Ace, to the celebration of the four, to the standing your ground of the seven, to the over burdened of the 10, it's all in this suit.  

This is a good overview and start for this suit.  I will do other posts where I cover the specific energy of each card in this suit.  The ten pip cards and the four court cards.   

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