Thursday, November 14, 2019

14 November, 3 card spread

14 November, daily 3 card spread.

  1. The Emperor reversed.  Pay attention to my commitment to my goals and reassess as necessary.  Am I putting in the work to get to where I want to be?  So need to sit back and focus on the plan again. 
  2.  7 of Cups, reversed.  Overwhelmed by choices. Stuck because I don't know which to choose.  Time to ground myself and really focus on where I want to go.  Make a choice and then follow it through.  :-0
  3. The Hanged Man, (He wasn't reversed in the spread)  Take that pause and figure out what path to follow.  
Fairly accurate reading for me today.  I do have many paths I want to follow, and I need to focus on one first, then build the others as I go along. So yes the cards keep telling me what I need to do, now they wait for me to actually DO IT.  Always the hardest part is putting in the work.  Taking the action.  The message repeats, the wording changes, but the meaning is the same.  So time to put in the work. 

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