Friday, November 8, 2019

8 November, three card draw

Friday three card pull

So I ask 'What do I have to finish from yesterday?', 'What can I expect today?', and 'What can I look forward to tomorrow?'.  Here's the cards I drew:

Yes the Tower, Ace of Wands reversed, and 6 of Swords reversed.  

So immediately I'm anxious about the tower, because I generally relate this pull to my work day, but I realize I didn't specify that in the questions, just had them open as to what I need to finish, what today will bring etc.  So if you read past the typical 'doom and gloom' of the tower, shaking your world to the core is pretty much doom and gloom, you find the part about spiritual transformation.  Thoughts and belief systems changing and finding that thing that really resonates in your core.  The reversed Ace of wands also points toward an awakening, and the reversed 6 of Swords tells you to go within yourself and find that path.  Pretty much confirmation on my Tarot studies and that I should continue my growth here.  

I was reading one of my many books last night and got to the chapters on meditation and journaling.  How to ground yourself, then shuffle the cards, pull one, examine it and meditate on the meaning, etc.  So before I headed off to bed I did that little exercise, and I pulled the Hermit.  The guy on his own path, his inner light leading the way for him. That ties in directly to these cards as I see it.  

So my weekend will be more of the learning and more of the studying and strengthening my belief systems.  Just working more with the cards I'm getting better at seeing the meanings and not having to look up as many things.  I'm getting those straight forward messages as to what they are saying.  

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