Monday, July 15, 2019

Card of the Day, 15 July, 2019

9 of Wands
Keywords:  Wisdom, Perseverance, Last Stretch

On this card I see that you are just about there.  Just one more thing to overcome and you will reach your goal.  You've made it this far, can you keep on going?  

Almost there! You can see the finish line, and at the last minute, you are faced with another obstacle. This challenge can be seen as a setback or a test of your character. Expect the worst and protect yourself against any foreseeable attacks. Better to be prepared than to be sorry later! Throughout this journey, you have accumulated experience and gained enough wisdom to handle anything that is thrown your way. You’ve gained tools to deal with your inner struggles and you now have the confidence in your abilities to overcome and persevere. Trust in your strength and power to make it to the end. Learn from your mistakes so that you can navigate setbacks easily in the future. Challenges are difficult, but believe in your abilities to make it through. You can do it!

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