Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Card of the Day, 17 July, 2019

The Hanged Woman (Man)
Keywords:  Sacrafice, Patience, Suspension

I always enjoy this card.  To me it does not represent being stuck, it's more just a time to take a moment and observe what is going on.  Be still and let things come to you.  Your path, or what action you should take will be revealed soon.  

Suspended in time when all is up in the air, this is a stage where you feel stuck between the momentum of the future and the speculation of the past. Delays and indecision are to be expected, and it is in your best interest to prolong any decision making. Think outside of yourself, and try your best to see the big picture. This inconspicuous small moment could bring big impact. Feeling stuck with nowhere to go is temporary. Constant activity keeps the ego busy, but by practicing patience you are allowing other opportunities to unfold for you. Give yourself permission to receive! Delay instant gratification and put in the time and effort so that you can see your big vision come to life. Ask yourself what tiny thing you can give up now to get to the end goal. Sacrifice small pleasures to invest in your long-term success.

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