Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Card of the Day, 1 October 2019, Temperance

Keywords:  Healing, Moderation, Balance

The good and the bad, the light and the dark.  You need a balance to keep moving forward.  It's not always sunshine and roses, rain does need to fall.  Balance is not everything in equal proportion, sometimes you need more of this and less of that.  You have the ability inside of you to do this and you can see what needs adjusting.  

Temperance means making sure you do not have too much or too little of any one thing: creating balance is a common aim of various spiritual practices. But remember that balance does not have to mean everything is “equal.” Sometimes you need more fire than water or vice versa. Balance simply means that things are working together in harmony, not that they are rigidly divided into proportions. In this regard, Temperance shows that in a spiritual sense, balance is not a science but an art.

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